Monday, November 5, 2012

Pinwheel Quilt = Complete!

Exciting news!  My second quilt top (the fist one I did all by myself, out of a class), is complete!  That's right!  I started this Feb of 2010 and I finished it this past Spring, 2012!

And,here it is!

I must say, the puppy in the picture is pretty cute too ;). A friend of mine machine quilted it for me, and I must say, I am loving the yellow binding on it!  So happy it is completed!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

A year of quilts

Ok, so maybe that is a slight lie... More like 13 months of quilts! So, it has been a busy year in a lot of ways, which is why there have not been many posts.  So, here is a recap of what has been going on.  Since I have 13 months to run through, I may miss some things, however, I promise to get the big things.

August 2011 - traveled to WI and San Francisco
September 2011 - got a new job at a new company!
October 2011 - moved back into the McKinley Mansion & did a month is manual labor getting the condo read to rent.  It paid off, as it rented in 2 weeks!
December 2011 - traveled to MI for Christmas
January 2012 - adopted two 4 month old puppies!
July 2012 - traveled to WI for a wedding
September 2012 - got a new job at the new company mentioned above

Sprinkled in the months above we're two trips to CA for work and a couple weekends in Tucson. I also passed 3 insurance exams for work, which require a good amount of studying.  But, the good news is, I was still quilting, just not posting!

So here, without further ado, is the past year in quilts!

Dresden Plate Quilt 
(For myself, I am currently using this one on my bed!)

Shabby Seams

Baby Quilt for Best Friend Kindall & her Husband, Chad.
Baby Girl Marie

My baby girl Lilly Loo helping her mama!

Modern Log Cabin Quilt Top
(No plans for this one, but I was hording the fabric for some time!)
Hexagon Quilt for my Mom



Baby Boy 9-patch
(Quilting this myself for one of 2 friends that are currently preggo with a baby boy!)

(No plans for this one, probably will set it aside until a friend has a baby girl!)
20 blocks for "Stars and Stripes" Quilt
Quilt Rack
(I refinished this by staining and distressing it.  I did not crochet the blanket on the rack)
As you can tell, I have 3 quilt tops that still need to be quilted, so the plan is to get busy on those!